Sort your clothes the Marie Kondo Lokabox way

To you, dear storage fans, I would like to talk to you today about Marie Kondo, the famous queen of storage. You may have heard of her method of folding laundry and storing it in your cabinets. Frankly, it amazes me every time! This, for my part, it’s how I discovered her. So today, I […]

Want a new wardrobe? Store what’s inside !

It’s a mess with the seasons right now, and maybe in your closets too. It’s true that with the temperatures we have experienced since the end of August, we have not really had the opportunity to get out all the gear to face the winter! All that to say that it might help you to […]

4 tips for a comfortable workspace at home

Here we are! Kids are back to school, adults back to work. Dairies are starting to fill up. So one will have to get to work for school. Perhaps you have the advantage of being able to telework. Whether for you or your children, a tidy and comfortable workspace is ideal for working. Here are […]

Back to school without stress, it’s possible!

The holidays are slowly coming to an end. I hope you enjoyed it! In order to start this new school year, I have concocted some practical tips for the organization of the whole family. – A weekly calendar on the fridge To make sure you don’t forget anything, centralise on a planning school activities (swimming […]

Your spring cleaning in 8 steps

Spring is here, temperatures are rising, the opportunity for most of us to do a small or a big spring cleaning. So I’ve put together a small program in a few steps that you can even do in several days. I advise you to do it two days in row maximum. So, shall we try? […]

The perfect box to store your decorations

The Christmas tree may still be in your living room and the decorations too. It’s always more fun to set up the tree than the opposite, isn’t it? If it’s not done, let’s get it started, I have some tips for you to keep your decoration safe and to store it without breaking it until […]