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Expatriation. How to organize yourself?

Luggage expatYour dream is to live an extraordinary life on the other side of the world (well, it is not mandatory to go that far to be called an expat)? Or you got an opportunity to work overseas? Then you might be ready to take a leap of faith and become part of the large community of expats  in this world!
Awesome. I have personally experienced the life of an expat. I lived abroad for 7 years in a row and I will always remember it as an extraordinary adventure. It is true that that living abroad for a few years, experiencing another culture … it changes you in so many ways. I would even say that it enables you to develop yourself and become a new person!
All good, but first you must prepare yourself and your family. You also must take some time to organize yourself a little.

Here is a small, non-exhaustive list of things you might be interested in before you leave :

  1. What will you do with your home (notice period, rental, sale)?
  2. What will you do with your furniture (transport by boat, sale, furniture storage …)? This will obviously depend on the length of your stay abroad.
  3. Which documents do you need (visa, full medical examination, driving license)?
  4. Will you have accommodation once you arrive (service apartment, hotel room, home stay)?Boat containers expat
  5. What is the climate like in the country of your destination? Be careful if you go by plane, you will be limited in luggage. If your belongings arrive by boat, it can take several weeks or even months to see them arrive at your new “home”. So, clearly you won’t have to buy a new wardrobe once you’ve arrived safely! (Shopping queens will just have to practice patience!)
  6. What are your priorities on the spot (Housing, opening a bank account, phone, nursery or school, work, traveling by car or public transport, e.g.)? Of course, you will be able to collect a lot of information thanks to your beloved friend Google. Another tip might be to already contact some groups of expats in your country of destination before leaving.
  7. A little advice from a friend: even if one usually goes abroad to meet locals, it is always nice to meet some compatriots from time to time. You will most likely get good tips from them. Do not hesitate to do some small research on Facebook as well, to find groups on this topic for example.

Enjoy because, sometimes, the grass is a little greener on the other side 🙂

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