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Tips to organize your nursery

9 months waiting for your baby’s arrival, it’s a long time but it’s so great to prepare a cozy little nest. Today, I will share with you some storage and decoration tips, useful to organize the best for his/her bedroom.

A shelf for storage or decorative objectsNursery shelf for books

You have already bought some books imagining yourself telling the most beautiful stories to your baby? Perhaps you have already received a variety of toys and teddybears? Well, the shelf is the best place to store them and avoid the floor being a real mess. Not only will you save space but you can also place there some decorative elements.

Sorting all the clothing

Believe me, children grow too fast. You’d better take full advantage of each moment. You will surely receive and / or buy a nice collection of clothes of all sizes. Therefore, organize your wardrobe or dresser depending on the size. Sort  the sleepers, pajamas, bibs, etc. by size and put them into pretty baskets, for example. This system will allow you to make a rotation by simply emptying the basket of the size that has become too small.

A rocking chair, your best friend

It’s an essential, at least for the first months when you will probably spend hours to feed, cuddle, sing, read a book to your baby …. Whether you fo for a beautiful vintage rocking chair in wood or a more modern and ultra comfy version, you will not be able to do without it. Some parents even install a sofa in case baby struggle to fall asleep.

A convertible cotOrganize your nursery

While shopping, you will find all sorts of objects sometimes indispensable and sometimes superfluous. In some cases, this is worth talking to relatives who are already parents to seek advice or opinion. What I found personally super practical and economical is the convertible bed that allows you to change the size of the bed to adapt to the growth of your child at any time. It’s been 8 years since my daughter slept in the same bed (We have of course changed the mattress!). This is one of the best purchases we have made.

And if you lack of space…

If you want to keep precious memories of your little one, don’t hesitate to contact LOKABOX. You can rent a storage unit from 1m3 at a very competitive price. It’s ideal to keep some boxes, full of “memories”.

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