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Your spring cleaning in 8 steps

Spring is here, temperatures are rising, the opportunity for most of us to do a small or a big spring cleaning. So I’ve put together a small program in a few steps that you can even do in several days. I advise you to do it two days in row maximum. So, shall we try?

Step 1: tidying up

Clothes in wardrobes, documents in drawers, dishes in cabinets … The goal here is obviously to put things in order, put things in their place.

Step 2: bathroomSpring cleaning lemon

You may spend hours there, in your bath with a good book, relaxing music and candles … What’s more pleasant than a clean bathroom!
Toilets, sink, bathtub or shower with Baking Soda. Lemon juice on a damp cloth will help keep your toilets clean between each “big cleaning”.

Step 3: bedrooms

With this good weather coming back, it may be time to let change your winter duvet by the summer one. Ventilate them during the weekend a few hours before folding them back. Why not use a vacuum storage bag, it will take less space in your closets? It’s crazy the accumulation of dust below our beds. Vacuum well and finish the job with a mop!

Step 4: Living and dining roomFeather duster spring cleaning

Everything is in order thanks to step 1, but there might be some stains and dust all over the place. Use a feather duster and rub gently to dust off your furniture. Then use a damp cloth to finish the work.

Step 5: Floors

Place the chairs on the tables and put anything away that could angry your vacuum cleaner and mops. Do not forget to vacuum the undersides of chairs.

Step 6: Mirrors and windows

A spray designed for this purpose will help you get rid of dust and possible traces of small (or large) hands. For bay windows, a squeegee can be your greatest ally but will require a little training to graze the professional result … In addition, it is a good way to burn calories

Step 7: The kitchen

Cabinets’ doors, fridge, microwave, coffee machine, trash and other recycling containers … Think of every nook. Get a multifunction spray or even better prepare your cleaning product yourself (a useful link below). Your objective here is to “degrease“. Why not trying black soap?

Step 8: for Fashion Addicts

If you are like me, you probably own a beautiful (huge) collection of clothing, belts, jackets, shoes, bags … the spring cleaning is the perfect time to do a seasonal “sorting”. Winter jackets take up a lot of space as well as scarves. What’s more fun than starting the spring with a nice tidy wardrobe!

You will find nearby containers to give your clothes away. And for all those beautiful items you’ve never worn ;), take a picture of them and sell them (in pack, if you’re in a hurry or lazy) on a second-hand website.

Finally, clean, sweep, polish … with music, it’s more fun!

And if the use of natural cleaning products interests you

I refer you here to an article on écoconso‘s website (in French) to find out more about what natural cleaning products to use at home, to protect our environment!

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