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Tournez Manège – Moving in together?

Duplicate itemsReady for the big jump? You finally decided to move in together? Congratulations!

So you’re ready to share the same space 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Big deal huh?

After the advice of Elodie Wery in our last blog, let’s take a look today at some points that could seriously help couples who move in!

Take a tour of each house

You will definitely have a good bunch of duplicate items. It will be necessary to get rid of it one way or another. For example, at yours, there are objects that are too bulky and that can not fit into the new home, and at hers, furniture that has (too) old and that should disappear! Go around both houses listing what you keep, what you sell, what you give and what you throw. Then determine the number of m2 that the furniture and listed items will take.

Need help finding out what surface you need for belongings? Use our space calculator! Pay attention, you must obviously add square meters to calculate the living space to find out the total area you need to live the great love!

Your apartment, his apartment or a new apartment?

If the two houses are too small for the two of you (or more) to live in, the solution is obvious: look for a new home. Start by listing the cities or villages where you would like to live.
But if one of you has a larger home, consider the possibility of living there both taking into account travel related to work, living environment, lifestyle etc … it must be suitable for everyone.

Money money money

At this point of your love story, one of the advantages of living together is undoubtedly the financial economy. Paying only one rent and one time charges can lead to huge savings. The question of money can be a problem that sometimes arises a few months after moving in.
Tournée Manège Forever
Although it is not always easy to approach financial aspects, it is better to agree quickly (and I would say beforehand) when all is well. A difference in income for instance, that is not taken into account can bring up a feeling of injustice that is best resolved as quickly as possible.

Hoping that everything goes for the best forever (or as long as possible;))!

Enjoy moving in together!

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